San Diego DUI Attorney
If you have been recently arrested for a DUI, you need a credible San Diego DUI lawyer to help defend your Constitutional rights and fight to avoiding a criminal conviction and the suspension of your driver's license. YOU ONLY HAVE 10 DAYS TO REQUEST A DMV HEARING. The DUI attorneys at DUI Crew are dedicated to providing assertive and personalized legal assistance to clients throughout San Diego who have been arrested for various drunk driving offenses, from first time DUI offenses to felony DUI.
If you are facing DUI charges contact a San Diego DUI Lawyer at DUI Crew today at 619-500-9939

DUI Penalties

First Time DUI

You Only Have 10 Days to Request a DMV Hearing!
In order to win a DMV Hearing typically you must have one of the following examples occur in your case:

Why should I hire a San Diego DUI Laywer?
If you fail or refuse a breath or blood test, the DMV will automatically begin suspension proceedings. You need to contact the Drivers Safety Office of the DMV within 10 calendar days of your arrest in order to challenge the suspension of your driver’s license. If you do not contact the DMV within 10 days, your license will be automatically suspended.
Your criminal case and your DMV hearing are two separate parts of your DUI charges. Even if you are not found guilty of DUI in court, it is possible to still lose your license depending on how the DMV hearing goes. Your DUI attorney will be able to represent you at your DMV hearing to make sure you have a greater chance of keeping your driving privileges. Many people in San Diego need a driver’s license for employment and to take care of themselves and their families. If it is important for you to keep your license, you should speak immediately with a knowledgeable DUI lawyer to discuss what your options are and to learn how your right to drive can be protected at your DMV hearing.
You will also be facing criminal charges in court. This means that you may face imprisonment as well as hefty fines, counseling, community service, and/or mandatory drug/alcohol treatment or rehabilitation. Law enforcement and the prosecuting attorney will work hard to try and secure a conviction against you. A DUI lawyer at DUI Crew will be there for you, representing you and helping prevent a conviction, DUI penalties, and a criminal record.
San Diego DUI Attorney

Do I need an attorney?

What are my options?