DUI Sentencing in San Diego
DUI Sentencing - San Diego DUI Attorney
In the state of California, DUI crimes are taken very seriously by law enforcement and prosecutors, and a person convicted of DUI will face a severe sentence. DUI Crew has defended numerous individuals in their DUI cases, and have a plethora of experience fighting for reduced sentences. If you are going on trial for a DUI conviction, contact DUI Crew right away, and our attorneys will work to structure a defense that may result in the court lowering your sentence, finding you not guilty or dismissing your case.
After an individual has been convicted of DUI (after a plea of guilty, plea bargain, or guilty verdict), the penalization for their offense is determined during the sentencing phase. There are a number of penalties that one can face for DUI, including but not limited to:
- Fines
- Incarceration in jail (typically for a shorter term)
- Incarceration in prison (typically for a longer term, in cases where an injury or death occurred)
- Suspension of drivers’ license
- Community service
- Mandatory drug/alcohol rehabilitation program
- Probation
A San Diego DUI attorney at DUI Crew can provide you with legal representation that may help you avoid these penalties.
California DUI Penalties
Judges in DUI cases take several case-related factors into consideration when sentencing a person convicted of DUI. These include but are not limited to:
- The defendant’s prior DUI record
- The defendant’s personal circumstances (including their family, economic and social status)
- The impact of the crime on any victims (if there were any injuries or death)
- Regret and/or remorse displayed by the defendant
If you or someone you know are facing trial for a DUI conviction, contact a San Diego DUI attorney at DUI Crew who can defend you in court with aims of getting your sentence reduced, a not guilty verdict, or a complete dismissal of your charges.
DUI Attorney in San Diego, CA

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