Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
Blood Alcohol Concentration Level and DUI
Blood alcohol concentration or BAC is the percentage of alcohol in one’s blood stream. This is usually expressed in the form of a percentage and used to determine one’s level of intoxication after the consumption of any amount of alcohol. When a law enforcement officer suspect a person of drinking and driving they may subject the suspect to field sobriety tests in order to further determine the level of impairment. However, these types of on-the-spot tests do not accurately measure a person’s BAC, so the results cannot accurately determine intoxication.
Generally, a BAC of .08% or more is enough to arrest a person for DUI. However, there is no one method that will definitively determine a person’s BAC level since everyone’s body reacts differently to the number of drinks it takes to show impairment. DUI blood tests that reflect a person’s blood alcohol concentration are the most accurate way to find an individual’s level of impairment, and therefore they are often used as factual evidence in court. If you or someone you know has been charged with driving under the influence it is imperative to seek the help of a San Diego DUI lawyer as soon as possible.
DUI Lawyer in San Diego
Whether it’s your first offense, second offense or you have multiple DUIs, the laws concerning your BAC level will always be put into effect if you have been suspected of drinking and driving. Based on the number of offenses and the circumstances of your case, you could be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, and either conviction could greatly affect your life, future and rights. The penalties for DUI can be severe, ranging from expensive fines, to community service to jail time. With such undesirable consequences at stake, it is important to take immediate action after an arrest for driving under the influence.
With DUI Crew you will be legally represented by an attorney with knowledge and experience in the fields of criminal defense and DUI. Any criminal case, especially those involving a DUI need to be handled by a lawyer with skilled experience, knowledge and determination. Anything less could jeopardize a success in your case. Don’t take a chance with an attorney you are uncertain about. Trust the experience, knowledge and aggression of DUI Crew.
If you or someone you know has been arrested for a BAC of .08% or higher contact DUI Crew today.
San Diego DUI Attorney

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