San Diego DUI Attorney
DUI Penalties
Most of us have seen the campaigns that have been made popular in recent years against drunk driving. If you or someone you know has been arrested, you will face prosecutors who are highly experienced in DUI offenses and are highly motivated to secure a conviction. Penalties for a DUI conviction can be harsh and greatly affect your life. DUI Crew wants you to know that an arrest does not have to mean a conviction. An experienced San Diego DUI attorney can explain DUI defenses that may result in a successful outcome of your case.
Even conviction of a first time DUI may receive up to 1 year in jail, possibly with further time added if a child under the age of 16 was in the vehicle. In addition, fines of thousands of dollars, a minimum 1 year suspension of your license, vehicle registration suspension and community service are all possible penalties for a first time DUI conviction. Multiple DUI convictions can potentially result in years in prison and a lifetime revocation of your driver’s license. In certain situations, fines of up to $25,000 must be paid.
Can DUI charges be defended?
There are defenses that can be used to fight DUI offenses and get the charges reduced or even dropped. It will be found at times that the police stopping you actually had no legal reason to pull you over in the first place. Illegal search or seizure can result in evidence used against you being thrown out during your trial. Tests administered to determine BAC level, or to show that your ability to drive was somehow impaired, can be flawed. These tests may have been improperly administered or faulty equipment may have been used.
DUI Crew works to find the best possible result in each and every DUI case. In some cases, we can work to obtain a special permit to allow you to drive back and forth to work and under other limited circumstances. Certain offenses can be negotiated down to minor charges resulting in less severe penalties. If your case goes to trial, DUI Crew will utilize our ability to investigate the circumstances of your individual case in order to determine the best possible plan for defense. It is important however, that we begin working quickly on your case. Don’t hesitate, call us today.
DUI Lawyer San Diego

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