San Diego DUI Defense Attorney
DUI Penalties
Jail: 4 days – 6 months.
Fines: $390-$1,000 plus penalty assessments.
License Suspension: 4 months suspension. May apply for hardship permit after 30 days. If under the age of 21, 1 year suspension.
Ignition Interlock Device (IID): Court has discretion
Vehicle Impound: Court has discretion
DUI School: 3 months or more if high BAC
Probation: 3 years (informal)
Community Service: some courts permit you to work off fines
Second Offense Plus:
Jail: 90-120 days mandatory jail. No more than 1 year.
Fines: $390 to $1,000
License Suspension: 1 year suspension.
Vehicle Impound: Yes. Vehicle may be seized and disposed if multiple offender.
DUI School: 18-30 months, depending on whether it’s a 2nd or 3rd violation.
Probation: 3-5 years informal(no probation officer to report to), OR formal probation if third offense or more.
Community Service: 10 days mandatory as alternative to jail time.
San Diego, CA DUI Lawyer

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