San Diego DUI Attorney
Are you currently facing trial for a DUI conviction?
Typically in a DUI trial, the jury is presented with evidence that is intended to assist them in determining whether the defendant “beyond a reasonable doubt”, committed the DUI crime in question. A trial is for both the prosecution and the defense to argue their cases. The prosecution makes efforts to obtain a conviction, and the defense makes efforts to obtain a verdict of not guilty and an exoneration of the charges. After both sides have argued their cases, the jury discusses as a group to come up with a decision regarding the defendant’s guilt or innocence.
DUI Crew has represented clients in countless DUI trials, and has secured successful outcomes in many of them. Contact an experienced San Diego DUI attorney immediately if you are facing a DUI trial. DUI Crew will investigate all the charges against you to determine if any errors or infractions were made during your arrest. If any of this evidence is found, we will present it to the court in an effort to reduce your charges, or get them dismissed altogether.
A DUI trial usually consists of the following six phases:
- Choosing the jury
- Opening statements of the prosecution and defense
- Witness testimony and cross-examination by both sides
- Closing arguments by both sides
- Jury instruction
- Jury deliberation and delivery of final verdict
Hiring an attorney can greatly improve your chance of having a favorable outcome in your DUI trial.
Contact DUI Crew if you are facing trial for a DUI conviction and need help in your case.
Are you currently facing trial for a DUI conviction?

Do I need an attorney?

What are my options?