San Diego DUI Sobriety Checkpoints
Sobriety Checkpoints and DUI
If you or someone you know has been stopped at a sobriety checkpoint and it resulted in a DUI you need to immediately contact a San Diego DUI lawyer at DUI Crew. With so much debate over the constitutionality of sobriety checkpoints, these cases can be fought. The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution states that there must be probable cause for law enforcement to have the right to search you or your belongings and seize evidence of a crime. This is an extremely important right and when it is violated prior to any criminal charge, a skilled attorney often can get the charges completely dismissed.
Sometimes sobriety checkpoints violate other rights as well. When law enforcement targets certain demographics or minorities, whether purposefully or not, this can also be a violation of your rights.
San Diego DUI Attorney Fighting For Your Rights
It is necessary for a society to have law enforcement and most honest citizens support actions taken by police to protect us. The Constitution outlined basic rights that apply to anyone and everyone when being charged with a crime in order to prevent oppressive acts by the police. A violation of your rights at a sobriety checkpoint, no matter what the circumstances are, is unacceptable. It is imperative that you take action with your legal representation to fight for your rights. At DUI Crew, our attorneys are educated to recognize violations of rights and will aggressively fight for a dismissal of your case.
Contact a San Diego DUI lawyer at DUI Crew today to review your DUI case. If your rights have been violated, we are here to help.
DUI Defense Lawyer in San Diego

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