San Diego DUI Attorney
Unlawful Police Stops in San Diego
Each and every day in San Diego, drivers are pulled over by police officers unlawfully. In order for the police stop to be considered a “legal”, the police officer must first have probable cause to believe that you are breaking the law and to pull you over to further investigate the situation. If an officer does not have a legitimate reason to believe you are breaking the law, it is considered to be a violation of your constitutional rights and your case could be dismissed.
If you or someone you know has been pulled over unlawfully by a police officer, and it resulted in being charged for DUI, a knowledgable defense attorney from DUI Crew will fight to protect your constitutional rights. In order to have a successful case, your attorney will need to prove that the stop was unwarranted and the officer violated your rights by pulling you over. The attorneys at DUI Crew will do everything possible to try to prove the police stop was unlawful.
When an Unlawful Police Stop Results in a DUI Arrest
In order for a police stop to be considered lawful, the police officer must observe irregular driving behavior that could indicate that the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs before they pull them over. When observed, the following behaviors may give the officer reasonable cause to pull you over:
- Speeding
- Reckless driving
- Swerving
- Driving too slow
- Disobeying traffic laws, signs, signals or lights
- Weaving between lanes
- Not having headlights on after dark
- If you feel that your constitutional rights have been violated because a police officer pulled you over unreasonably and it resulted in DUI charges, you need to speak to one of the attorneys at DUI Crew to find out what we can do to help. Your San Diego DUI lawyer will thoroughly investigate the facts of your case in efforts to prove that the officer did not have reasonable cause to stop you for driving under the influence, which could possibly result in the dismissal of your case.
For experienced and aggressive representation following an unlawful police stop in San Diego, contact a DUI attorney at DUI Crew today!
DUI Lawyer in San Diego

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